Why was the violent removal of a Republican President covered up by the FBI and a Democratic administration?
Did no one understand the forensic evidence or did they all lie? Read the article ...

The military tribunal investigating Lincoln's murder executed four people but never solved the conspiracy.
Secretary Stanton's War Department Judges concealed many documents from the Lincoln conspiracy trial. Yet, no evidence exposing the guilty is more credible or definitive than the FBI forensic exam of Booth's diary confession.
This article challenges anyone to explain how Booth could have secretly glued and rebound his diary after he wrote the pages. Read this article...........

American history remembers John Surratt as a Confederate spy and the number one accomplice of John Wilkes Booth. He escaped Lincoln's conspiracy trial but was captured in Europe almost two years later and tried as an assassin.
John Surratt, Jefferson Davis, and every captured Confederate lived out the rest of their lives as free men. None were ever convicted or punished for Lincoln's assassination.
The question history has left unanswered is: Did they all escape justice? Read this article...

These eight short history questions and answers provide documented proof that the Lincoln conspiracy investigation and trial was used to cover up a Washington conspiracy to remove Lincoln from office.
If you have never read anything by Don Thomas, there will be little chance of answering a single question correctly. Take the quiz and review the answers...

by Don Thomas
Secretary Edwin Stanton's War Department paid a $25,000 reward to have George Atzerodt arrested as an accomplish to John Wilkes Booth. Stanton's military commission tried Atzerodt, found him guilty, and hanged him by the neck until dead.
Before passing judgement, please read this article and discover why many historians selectively omit specific evidence collected during the Lincoln conspiracy investigation. Read the article...

by Don Thomas
Was the murder that ended President Lincoln's second term a Richmond or Washington conspiracy?
Which man had the motive, opportunity, and ability to kill Lincoln and cover-up the crime?
Secretary Stanton's Bait and Switch Cover-Up

Many believe that the execution of Mary Surratt was a shameful atrocity that never should have happened.
And there are those who believe that law and justice should apply to everyone equally regardless of race, creed, or gender.
The hanging of Mary Surratt is still hotly debated, but this article reveals something new about the life-and-death of Mary Surratt found no where else. Read more of this updated article.......

Before turning Booth's diary confession over to Congress, Secretary Edwin Stanton's War Department went to great extremes to secretly remove six pages of text from the book.
In 1977, Booth's diary was again under government investigation, but once more, Stanton's secret was successfully concealed.
My analysis of the FBI Forensic Exam of Booth's diary exposes why the missing pages were stolen, and never recovered. Read more.....

Just hours before Lincoln was shot to death he turned to his bodyguard William H. Crook and said: "Crook, do you know I believe there are men who want to take my life? And I have no doubt they will do it. Other men had been assassinated. I know no one could do it and escape alive. But if it is to be done it is impossible to prevent."
- How did Lincoln find out about the plot that took his life? (See: The Reason Lincoln Had to Die, Chapter 9, Reassurance)
- How was the Washington conspiracy covered up? Read More....

Annotated by Don Thomas
George Atzerodt, after ten days in a floating dungeon, tried to lighten his fate by telling the War Department all he knew about Booth's plans to assassinate Lincoln. He named everyone in the old kidnapping gang, plus several others that have strangely remained absent from prosecution and history books.

How They Got Away with Murder
by Don Thomas
NEW EVIDENCE: Booth and his helpers, Herold and Atzerodt, all mentioned "the others," a "crowd" from New York, among whom were minstrels, and with whom Booth worked to kill Lincoln. For the first time in history, Thomas identifies people in and around this crowd. The War Department identified several of them, but took no actions to prosecute them.

by Don Thomas
Eleven months before Lee's surrender, Major General Benjamin Butler was positioned to take Petersburg, Virginia, with an overwhelming force. Confederate reinforcements were detained, creating a two- to three-day window of opportunity to take this vital crossroads city, only 30 miles from Richmond. But a major, strategic Union victory just weeks before the Republican nomination was the last thing Lincoln's enemies wanted.

by Don Thomas
An examination of the economic and political forces that made Lincoln's career possible, and made his removal necessary.